The DCA family is overjoyed to have you as a part of our illustrious instuon.
We at DCA strive for finesse and excellence
even the minutest acvity we undertake. The demands of modernity cannot be met solely by the
methods of anquity.
Thence we also make it a point to evolve creave pedagogy methods. Teacher training directly
results into mulfold
disseminaon of knowledge.
Therefore, we tend to work on building a teaching epistemology to deliver the
needs of the future Job market. All these efforts
are cumulavely reflected in the mark sheets of the cadet. Year aer year we yield desired
learning outcomes without missing
out on the various sports tournament trophies.
I will advise you to observe and learn as much as possible from everyone
around you! All the best!
Mr. Subhash Dhawan (IAF Retd.)